Whether you want to completely translate your search engine site into a different language, or simply change a phrase like "engine" to "search type", this article can help!

  • login to your admin panel.
  • on the left menu choose "Manage languages".

creating new language

to create new language click on "ACTIVATE NEW" button, then choose your new language, then click on "ACTIVATE".

the new language will be shown on the languages table. click on "edit phrases" on the row of new language, then translate the phrases to your new language.

Edit languages settings

there are two languages settings:

  • Accept-Language header: when enabled, your visitors will see your site with it's default browser language. when not: your search engine will display the default language.
  • hide default language in URL: when enabled: your visitors that not choose a language. and use your site with the default language, will not see the language code on the URL of your site. if enabled they will see the language code (e.g: http://www.yoursite.com/en ).

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