The ads from this system are more expressive and better looking than banner ads/simple text ads, and are much more likely to receive user attention and clicks. They are similar to the ones seen on Google.

it's shown on the right side on your results page, it's fetch just ads that contain keywords like what your users looking for.

to Manage Internal Advertisement System:

  • login to your admin panel.
  • on the left menu choose "Advertisements".

Update settings

To manage the settings of advertisements, just click on "SETTINGS" button, a new window will be shown, enable advertisements or disable it by check or uncheck "active" checkbox, you can set the limit number of ads per request, then click on "UPDATE".

New advertisements

To Create new advertisement, just click on "NEW ADVERTISEMENTS" button, a new window will be shown, enter you advertisement details, then click on "CREATE NEW".

Preview advertisement

To preview an ad, just click on eye icon on the advertisement row, a new window will be shown, it's show how your visitors will see the ad.

Edit advertisement

To edit an advertisement details, just click on the pencil icon on the ad row, then edit what you want, then click on "EDIT" button.

copy advertisement

To create an advertisement based on another advertisement details, just click on the "two papers" icon on the ad row, then edit what you want, then click on "CREATE NEW" button.

delete advertisement

To delete an advertisement, just click on the trash icon on the ad row, then click on "DELETE" button.

please note that this action cannot be reversed.

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